Tuesday, June 17, 2014

2nd Discharge (home again)

Well I don’t know what to say but I am once again back home. This second hospital stay ended up being just about as short as the first. After another close call,  we were able to turn things around quickly - just 3 days and 2 nights, and some very heavy antibiotics and medication to get me discharged. From what we can gather I have haemophilus influenza and a bit of a bug in my spinal fluid. The good news is that these things can and have been reacting very positively to the drugs. As Karen stated all this is not a big issue for a “normal person” but without a spleen and no vaccinations these bugs were able to get a good hold on me.  So what’s next? Not much. We have been sent home and given a new antibiotic with orders to rest and recover. With a few follow up appointments and a final review with Dr. S a week from Friday. Personally I am feeling alot better and things should improve over the next few days, in fact I hope to return to work Monday. It looks like we finally have a good handle on things and that’s where we stand. I will give an update next week as we get results from the follow up tests and appointments.

Finally I want to say THANK YOU all for your support. As I have said before it really does help to know that you have people rooting for you.


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