Tuesday, April 24, 2012

69 Dude! (Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure)

69 Days - Once again it has been a bit since my last post, but I have been trying not to jinx myself. You see, I just went three days without a clinic visit. It may not seem like much but it is a big milestone to not have to be seen by the doc's for three full days. It shows that things are stabilizing more and more. It doesn’t mean I am any better or capable- just more stable. This is good as it can lead to the lowering of meds (and adding a few) to make my clinic visits less frequent and shorter in duration when they do happen. I guess this all means I am getting better. Not to gross anyone out, but my biggest issue now is that my finger nails are preparing to fall off. Its a lingering side effect of the GVHD (when my hands were very bad) its effecting my ability to do things with my hands again. Typing and holding a book has become a challenge, AGAIN. This will be a short term issue but it is rather annoying. Other than that, my energy is starting to grow and I am getting a bit stronger as Karen and I try to go for nightly walks.

So the upward swing continues, its all good news.
