Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day +281

OK, Looooong time no see! Here's the thing – Tony's OK and we do have some small news to impart, but things really are not changing much these days, so we do not feel like we have much to tell you.

News, Tony has been off of prednisone now for about a month. That's good. He is holding steady without that important drug there as a buffer. He is still on many other meds, but not being on Prednisone is GOOD.

Next week, Tony will see the podiatrist (for the 5th or 6th time in as many weeks) and the Doc will cut back his ingrown toe nails in an effort to keep them at bay for several months. Its not surgery, but Tony will need to keep his feet above the level of his nose for about 3 days.

Eyes and feet (achy bottoms of feet) are still at the same level of discomfort. As for the feet, Tony really cannot stand without moving for more than a minute or two before they become terribly uncomfortable. Walking is a different story, but because of his toe nails, he is not walking too far right now.
As for the eyes, many of you probably remember that Tony had scarring on his eyelids due to the graft vs host desease. This scarring rubs against his eyeballs and scratches them. Tony has a couple of true discomforts with his eyes that the scarring causes. One is that his eyes are VERY dry and need drops added every 10 – 15 minutes. The wind or any flowing air is a dramatic accelerator of that dryness. So we need to get special gel pouches for the sides of Tony's glasses so his eyes will be shielded from the wind. The second discomfort with his eyes is that bright lights are deeply offensive. So we are working on getting transitions lenses and we spent some time trying to figure out if we needed prescription sunglasses too, or an over the glasses sun glass type thing, or something. We think we have the right plan in place now, we just need to get all the parts. His eyes need a rest.

On the work front, Tony is still working mostly 40 hour weeks. That's good but hard on him. This week, he advanced a little further down “normal” lane and has taken back the responsibility of being on call. That means longer days and the possibility of calls in the night. So, all of this is progress.

As for the medicines Tony is on, its been some time since I updated you guys on this. But he gets 13 oral medicines, sometimes 4 of one kind a day, and he has several different lotion and potion medicines for his eyes. So things are still pretty intricate in that regard. (I feel like I spent the last year earning a pharmaceutical terminology degree!:)

Here's hoping you are all safe, healthy, happy, and thankful for what you have - whether that be 1 small thing or many FANTASTIC things. We love you and feel bad about the silences, but really don't want to blog just for the sake of blogging!

(To toot my own horn, my students and their families raised close to $1400 for the United Food Bank this past week and that equals close to 7000 meals the Food Bank can provide to those in need. When I was little and times were tough in my family, an organization reached out to us and helped us out. I remember that and hope that my students and I can help families the same way. {OK, OK, they gave us split peas---but I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth!!! })

Peace and love :) Happy Thanksgiving-Karen and Tony