Sunday, January 1, 2012

1st Update of 2012

So just an update. The big news is that I was able to make it home after my 3rd day ICE chemo treatment (that really took 4 days). I entered the hospital on Tuesday around 9 am but didn't get discharged until mid-afternoon on Friday, so this had a bit of angst to get back home. Not that I had anything to do (or could do) at home, as you all know it is just better to be in “your place”. It helps that at home you are back on your own schedule, no nurse visits, no labs, no beeping IV poles. Right now things are going OK, we had a visit from the Home Heath nurse yesterday where Karen learned to help me out with some pick-line flushing but truly Karen is my “go-to” nurse, she is taking care of everything. The last 2 days have been pretty uneventful; we have made a quick run to the grocery store and did a very short walk to the park, but really I am just out of sorts. I cannot describe the feeling at this point: other than to say that things just feel wrong. Not any one part of me is wrong, its just the general feeling over everything. Not that I like this feeling but I am sure it could be worse. If this is the way things are going to be for awhile then I have to consider myself lucky.