Friday, March 2, 2012

Home at last.

Well we did it- after 25 consecutive days in the hospital, I am finally out, and tonight I will sleep in my own bed. It is nearly impossible to explain the enjoyment I have in just thinking about being at home and sleeping in my house with my things. As usual, I am beat, and even though we have been home for 4+ hours I have not been able to enjoy it very much. We will return to Mayo tomorrow at 8am for blood work and IV medications, but at the end of it, I get to come home again. Yeah for me! More to come.. please stay tuned.  

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day +15

My counts are up and my fevers are gone … “all systems are a go” for my departure tomorrow.  I just wanted to send something out to let everyone know that things are still going better than planned and we have started my discharge process. I currently have no IV connections and have been weaned off most of the pain medications, prescriptions have been sent to the pharmacy and Karen and Mom have attended the required “care giver class”. We have a lot more steps to complete tomorrow but it is looking good.  We will soon begin phase 2 of the 100 day journey.   

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day +13

So things are starting to look up. My blood counts have improved dramatically over the past 48 hours and its likely that I will have them all in the range required to be discharged by Thursday or Friday. I still have the obstacles of dealing with pain management and daily fevers to make this happen but we are on the right track. Most of the pain should improve with the continuing increase in new cells, the old cells in some parts of my body just do not exist any more and they need to be rebuilt and put to work. As for the fevers, that may just be the way my body is dealing with all these old and new cells trading off- they just might be around for awhile. I will do my best to update the blog as soon as we know something official, so keep on checking in.

I also wanted to say THANKS once again to everyone, you have been so very warm with your thoughts and prayers. It REALY helps to have such a great cheering team behind you.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day +6 thru Day +11

Hey all – this is Karen again. Tony is fine. Sorry for the long delay in getting a message out. I know we told you all this is how we would keep you posted and then a week goes by without a peep from us. Well, that must mean we don't have much to report and as Gary Gnus used to say, “No Gnus is good Gnus” :)

Tony has spent the week dealing with pain in his “pooper” - Kind of like hemorrhoids on steroids. (Caused by last week's diarrhea.) This pain has been so terrible that he has been given several different kinds of pain meds to help manage it. The pain has been so terrible, that he is clenching his muscles so hard that for the last couple of days he cannot pee, either. The pain has been so terrible because he cannot heal.

None of this is dangerous or monumental, but it is ceaseless, constant discomfort. He has not been in an awesome mood, but is keeping a pretty decent attitude considering. We all knew this would be hard, it is just the different ways that it is hard that is keeping us on our toes.

For all of you loved ones who are far away and feel helpless. I think it might be just as hard to be here watching the pain and discomfort with nothing to offer but your hand and a smile. Companionship and love are wonderful, necessary parts of this process for Tony, but this week has shown me how hard it is to be inside of it all but outside at the same time.

So, to recap – Everything is progressing as it should. The Doctors are looking for Tony's cell counts to rebound in a few more days. He is managing as best he can; taking it day by day. I am doing the same. Keep sending healing prayers, thoughts, good juju, and Dark Chocolate (jk) our way! Love you all!!