Saturday, June 14, 2014

Short stay (THANKFULLY)

Well folks this may not come as a surprise to many of you but I am back home. Yes that’s right - home in Mesa, AZ with my own bed and bogs to pet. It was a whirlwind as you might expect, but it appears to be a short wind storm. After having a 104.1 degree fever on Tuesday night and then a blood pressure of just 68 of 44 Wednesday, Karen and I were shocked to hear that I would be going home. I don’t have my energy back and with be on HIGH levels of antibiotics for some time but I am home. Officially Karen got me back home around 6PM last night so I only had a 2 and a half day long stay. The doctors didn't say this was an indication for a fast recovery just a fast (and I am hoping successful) diagnosis and treatment.
From what we can gather up I have had a bit of pneumonia/valley fever for some time maybe 2 weeks or so, but after a busy day Sunday and working a good part of Sunday night I moved things to a more infectious stage. The doctor used the term hardshelled bug - a sepsis blood infection, and for most this wouldn't be that big a deal- apparently your spleen is capable of cleaning some of these guys out and if not, your normal childhood vaccinations should be able to finish things off. Well unfortunately for me I no longer have a spleen, that went on round two of my cancer treatments back in 2002 and as for vaccinations / immunizations they were are wiped out as part of the Stem Cell transplant. So I had no defense for this one and it was able to do its work hard and fast.
Once the doctors were able to get a handle on things and knew what we were fighting and how best to treat it, my health improved rapidly and I was moved out of ICU very early Friday morning. From there I was monitored for the day and released. Thankfully the antibiotics that I am on are not an IV infusion, just oral pills so they let me go. A simple case of “no more we can do here” you can recover better at home. So here we are at home. I cant say that I feel great but I would put things in the 60% range. This does officially postpone my 2nd hip surgery but I couldn’t say to when - maybe early August. All in all this was a bit of a scare but as usual we were able to push through it, we will just have to take it easy for a few weeks and see what is next.

As always thanks everyone for you support.

Tony & Karen

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